Tuesday 28 January 2014

Going through Worksheets

Today was a midly interesting lesson, even though the teacher was only going through our worksheet corrections. However, the teacher went through some interesting concepts, and in all, it was a very enriching lesson.

For example, the teacher asked us if we noticed that for every question we had in our Primary School Science that there was a context. For example, in the concept "Photosynthesis", there were many factors affecting Photosynthesis, for example light, carbon dioxide, water. He also told us that in our previous studies, T=ONF.

Besides, the teacher also revised on the laboratory worksheet. Now, I know a lot more things about the Science Laboratory now! Did you know that a pipette can measure up to 1 decimal point and a burette and measure up to 2 decimal points?

Besides that, our teacher also taught us the method of heating alcohol. We could use the water-bath method! Firstly, add alcohol into the test tube. Boil a beaker of water of water with the Bunsen Burner flame. Then switch the flame off and place the test tube which contains the alcohol into the beaker of hot water. That is how to heat a small amount of alcohol safely, as alcohol is a flammable liquid!

Today was a very interesting lesson,but I do look forward to the Science Laboratory lesson where we will be using our test tubes!

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