Sunday 19 January 2014

!Science Laboratory!

Finally! On 15 January, it was my first Science Laboratory lesson and I was very excited and looking forward to it! Mr Tan brought us to the Science Lab and  proceeded to tell us the rules and regulations there. He introduced the various types of Laboratory apparatus to us and taught us how to operate the Bunsen Burner.

Mr Tan tested the whole class individually to make sure that every single one of us knew how to operate the Bunsen Burner. It was quite cool to operate the burner myself, even though I was afraid that I might get burnt by the flame. However, I got bolder after a while and dared myself to open the air-hole of the Bunsen Burner, to allow air to enter the burner.

That day, I learnt about the two types of flames that the Bunsen Burner produces, the non-luminous flame and the luminous flame. I am now able to identify each of the different flames. The luminous flame is unsteadier and more visible compared to the non-luminous flame, which is more often used for heating stuff. In addition, I also learned  about the names of the weird Laboratory apparatus that I would be working with in future.

However, since we were running out of time, we did not get to burn some wooden ice-cream sticks. Although we did not complete the whole activity, I still have a wonderful learning experiences at the Science Laboratory!

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