Tuesday 8 July 2014

Sugar Crystals

So, over the holidays, my Science teacher asked us to grow some sugar crystals over the June Holidays. Since at first i had no idea what were sugar crystals, therefore i decided to research. After researching, i found out that sugar crystals are clumps of sugar that form on a base after cooling sugar-saturated water. They're also known as rock candy.

So, the next step was to find out how to grow sugar crystals! For your reference, I have found a link for you guys to check out and find out how to make some of your  own sugar crystals!

So, here are the pictures that describes my sugar crystals growing experiment.

Friday 4 July 2014

Termly Science Performance

My target was A1 for Science. At first, my plan to achieve A1 for Science was to study hard and pay attention in class, but i realized that didnt really work out, so i started going online and clarifying my doubts online. Besides, I also flipped through my study notes for the Science test. In the end, I did get A1 for my mid-year exams.

Here is a sample of my test paper.

For the End of year Examinations, my target is still getting A1. My plan would be to also to self study some parts, and also pay full attention in class, and revise my study notes that the teacher gave out. Besides, I also need to improve on a lot of areas, for example, the elements and compounds, or unit conversion. I should clarify with my Science Teacher the concepts that I not clear about!

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Mass, Weight and Density

On 5 March, I learnt about Mass, Weight and Density! The formula on how to calculate Density was also taught. Besides that, we did do a worksheet that tested us on our knowledge of Mass, Weight and Density. I have to say that I fared average.

Just in case you guys are unsure of the concepts of Mass, Weight or Density, click the link here to find out more --> http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/mass.html

Besides, on 5 March, we also visited the lab.

First we had to determine the density of a regular object, the glass marble. After many calculations and errors, we finally came out with the density of the glass marble! In addition to that, we also determined the density of an irregular solid , a glass stopper.

At the Lab, we did thoroughly enjoy ourselves as it was often quite rare that we got to do experiments!

Below, it is the practical worksheet which we were supposed to complete it in the Science Lab.

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Pendulum Predictions

So, in this particularly interesting lesson about pendulums on 12 February, we observed what happened when the length of the pendulum is systematically changed, which will then be a basis for making predictions about the motion of the pendulum!

Here is how the experiment went:

Firstly, we set up the experiment for the pendulum, a pendulum bob on a string that was clamped on to the retort stand. During the experiment, we observed the number of swings the pendulum made when the length of the pendulum of the pendulum was systematically changed at an interval of 10 centimetres apart.

Secondly, based on our observations, we had to predict the amount of swings the pendulum would make with the length of the string being changed with an interval of 5 centimetres. In addition to that, we also plotted a curve graph from our experiment results and also had to predict the amount of swings the pendulum would make.

Thirdly, we did carry out the experiment again, just that now the length of the string was systematically changed with an interval of 5 centimetres.

Out of this lad besson, we learned quite a few things. I did learn the concept that ":the greater the length of the pendulum, the longer the time taken for one oscillation.

Vernier Caliper, Micrometer Screw Gauge and Zero Error

On 18 February, it was one of those dull worksheet lessons in which we stayed in class to do worksheets. So, on that day,Mr Tan taught us how to use the
vernier caliper, and the micrometer screw gauge. In addition to that, before the lesson, we had attended an IVLE lesson in which it had also taught us on how to use the Vernier Caliper and the Micrometer Screw Gauge. Besides, we learnt about Zero Error, in which it means that the measuring instrument still has other measurements other than 0 when it is fully shut.

On 26 February, I managed to apply this knowledge of usage of vernier calipers and micrometer screw gauge. However, besides that, I also learnt the difference between Raw Data and Processed Data.

Raw Data are measurements taken directly from a measuring instrument. This is expressed to a fixed number of decimal places dictated by the units used and the precision of the instrument.

Processed Data  are readings obtained from the calculations of one or more sets of raw data.

So, now back to what we did. We first measured the height of a seat using a metre ruler. Next, we measured the internal and external diameter of a beaker with a vernier caliper. Besides that, we also measure the diameter of a wire and a marble using the micrometer screw gauge.

All together, I learned how to use the vernier caliper and micrometer screw gauge. Besides that, i also ensured that the vernier caliper and micrometer screw gauge had no zero error at all!

Vernier caliper

                                                 Micrometer screw gauge

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Kinetic Particle Theory, Brownian Motion and Diffusion

On 1 April 2014, the teacher taught us about the Kinetic Particle Theory, Brownian Motion and Diffusion.

So, What is the Kinetic Particle Theory? The Kinetic Particle Theory is a theory that states that matter is made up of large number of tiny particles (atoms or molecules), which are a continuous and random motion.

Besides, we also learnt about Brownian Motion! Brownian Motion is the continuous and random motion of small particles in fluids (liquids or gases). Brownian Motion involves 2 motions, a gas/liquid particle that is the particle that is moving continuously and randomly due to its kinetic energy. The other type of motion would be small solid particles that are bombarded by the gas particles in random directions, therefore causing it to move.

In addition, we learnt that Diffusion is the particles moving randomly from a region of a high concentration to lower concentration.

Monday 30 June 2014

Significant Figures and Decimal Points

On 12 February 2014, my Science teacher taught us about significant figures and decimal points!

Regarding the topic of significant figures, there are a few rules regarding significant figures.

Firstly, Non-zero digits are always significant.

Secondly, All final zeros after the decimal point are significant.

Thirdly, Zeros between two other significant digits are always significant.

Fourthly, Zeros used for only spacing the decimal are not significant.

Besides, I  also learnt about the Calculation of Physical Data. I also did learn some news stuff to expand my knowledge!

For example, for Addition and Subtraction, The final value has the same number of decimal place / same place value as the least precise measurement.

For Multiplication and Division, The product / quotient has the same number of significant figures as the number with the least number of significant figures.

For Average, The final value has the same number of decimal place / same place value as the least precise measurement.

Meanwhile, for Constant, The number of decimal place / place value of a constant is not considered in a calculation.

In addition to this, I also learned about the accuracy of devices, the smallest division and the amount of uncertainty that each apparatus had!