Wednesday 2 July 2014

Mass, Weight and Density

On 5 March, I learnt about Mass, Weight and Density! The formula on how to calculate Density was also taught. Besides that, we did do a worksheet that tested us on our knowledge of Mass, Weight and Density. I have to say that I fared average.

Just in case you guys are unsure of the concepts of Mass, Weight or Density, click the link here to find out more -->

Besides, on 5 March, we also visited the lab.

First we had to determine the density of a regular object, the glass marble. After many calculations and errors, we finally came out with the density of the glass marble! In addition to that, we also determined the density of an irregular solid , a glass stopper.

At the Lab, we did thoroughly enjoy ourselves as it was often quite rare that we got to do experiments!

Below, it is the practical worksheet which we were supposed to complete it in the Science Lab.

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