Friday 4 July 2014

Termly Science Performance

My target was A1 for Science. At first, my plan to achieve A1 for Science was to study hard and pay attention in class, but i realized that didnt really work out, so i started going online and clarifying my doubts online. Besides, I also flipped through my study notes for the Science test. In the end, I did get A1 for my mid-year exams.

Here is a sample of my test paper.

For the End of year Examinations, my target is still getting A1. My plan would be to also to self study some parts, and also pay full attention in class, and revise my study notes that the teacher gave out. Besides, I also need to improve on a lot of areas, for example, the elements and compounds, or unit conversion. I should clarify with my Science Teacher the concepts that I not clear about!

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