Wednesday 2 July 2014

Vernier Caliper, Micrometer Screw Gauge and Zero Error

On 18 February, it was one of those dull worksheet lessons in which we stayed in class to do worksheets. So, on that day,Mr Tan taught us how to use the
vernier caliper, and the micrometer screw gauge. In addition to that, before the lesson, we had attended an IVLE lesson in which it had also taught us on how to use the Vernier Caliper and the Micrometer Screw Gauge. Besides, we learnt about Zero Error, in which it means that the measuring instrument still has other measurements other than 0 when it is fully shut.

On 26 February, I managed to apply this knowledge of usage of vernier calipers and micrometer screw gauge. However, besides that, I also learnt the difference between Raw Data and Processed Data.

Raw Data are measurements taken directly from a measuring instrument. This is expressed to a fixed number of decimal places dictated by the units used and the precision of the instrument.

Processed Data  are readings obtained from the calculations of one or more sets of raw data.

So, now back to what we did. We first measured the height of a seat using a metre ruler. Next, we measured the internal and external diameter of a beaker with a vernier caliper. Besides that, we also measure the diameter of a wire and a marble using the micrometer screw gauge.

All together, I learned how to use the vernier caliper and micrometer screw gauge. Besides that, i also ensured that the vernier caliper and micrometer screw gauge had no zero error at all!

Vernier caliper

                                                 Micrometer screw gauge

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